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Introduction to Broad Edge Calligraphy – Italic

Italic is one of the most refined, versatile and practical hands, easy to learn yet with variation enough to be engaging for a lifetime. Developed from antique Latin texts during the Italian Renaissance, Italic hand remains a timeless classic. The first three classes will focus on constructing the formal lower-case alphabet as well as capitals. Students will learn how to control the angle of the edged pen as they study the script’s basic proportion, shape, counters, and branching.  In the final class, students will explore layout and create their own greeting card.  Beginners embraced, no previous skills necessary, all materials provided. 

Instructor: Kymberly Arana

Wednesdays [4 weeks] January 22 – February 12: 6:30 – 9:30pm 

  • Skill Level: Open to all
  • Prerequisites: None

Class fees by level:     NC State Students – $90      Public – $135