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Jul 3, 2024

2024 Fall registration dates & times – New Process

Registration opens (Reporter links become active) on the dates & times listed below for the respective registration group/category (i.e. the Reporter will not accept registration attempts by the public until… 

Jun 15, 2024

Registration for fall Photography Classes will open at 1:00pm for students (July 1) and for the public (July 8).

Jun 15, 2024

Shortcut to list of all Photography classes in Reporter


Jun 15, 2024

Abstract Printing [Workshop]

Learn to think outside of traditional darkroom methods to create unique and one-of-a-kind prints. In this class you will explore liquid emulsion, air brush applications, and photogram elements. You are… 

neg scan

Jun 15, 2024

Basics of Negative Scanning [Workshop]

A crash course in digitizing negatives! Learn the proper way to handle, clean, and store your negatives, and briefly explore the different settings that influence a scan’s resolution and aesthetic.… 

Jun 15, 2024

Continuing Digital Photography

Charge up your camera batteries and take your photography skills up a level. This class will consist of four sessions comprised of a classroom lecture on the topic for the… 

Jun 15, 2024

Digital Photography: Getting Started

The digital camera… so much capability that so few people fully comprehend! From learning the various camera controls to exercising the options of how and when they are best used,… 

Jun 15, 2024

Enlarging Color Film [Workshop]

Working with color film is a great way to expand your photographic versatility and gain access to new compositional techniques! While negative scanning is a great way to easily preserve… 

Jun 15, 2024

Introduction to 4×5 Photography

Nothing rivals the visual fidelity of large format film photography – though it can be a little intimidating to start. From learning how to load film into film holders, to… 

NC State

Jun 15, 2024

NC State in Black and White

An introductory darkroom class! Capture light and motion on film using SLR cameras. Bring your own camera or use a Crafts Center loaner. You will process your exposed film and… 

photogrph your art class

Jun 15, 2024

Photographing Your Artwork [Workshop]

Now that you’ve completed your masterpiece it’s time to show it off! In this workshop you’ll learn the ins and outs of proper product photography so that you can share… 

Jun 15, 2024

Photo Retouching I  [online class]

This is an online class that will meet remotely via ZOOM. Whether you’re taking pictures with a phone or a DSLR, this retouching class will improve your knowledge of basic and… 


Jun 15, 2024

Plastic Camera: An Introduction to Medium Format Film Photography

This is a beginning level class – darkroom experience is helpful, but not required! You will shoot 120 film using a modern Holga or retro Kodak Hawkeye Brownie. This course… 


Jun 15, 2024

Raleigh Street Photography

Enjoy the challenge of street photography on film [or digital if you insist!] and improve as a photographer! You will attend three photo-walks in downtown Raleigh followed by one class… 


Jun 15, 2024

The Magic of Lensless Photography

Explore alternative process photography and create stunning, unconventional images on light-sensitive paper without a lens! You’ll build pinhole cameras for use outside of class, then return to the darkroom where…