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Woodworking 3: Methods of Furniture Construction

Leveraging the skills developed in Woodworking 1 & 2, participants will build a poplar side table to be constructed from rough wood to finished product. Joinery will be of mortise and tenon construction in the Leg and apron fashion along with slab construction. Students will be expected to complete tasks in the studio between scheduled class times to finish on schedule.

Instructor: Matt Brenn

Mondays [4 weeks] March 31 – April 21: 6:30 – 9:30pm

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • Prerequisites: Completion of both the Woodworking 1 & 2 classes

Class fees by level:     NC State Students – $120     Public – $175

[Class includes a PUNCH CARD only] Visit the Policies and Procedures page for more information.